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University Center Residential Owners Association eMail Bulletin


Greetings UCROA Community

Loudoun Water Reminds Residents

                                                                  to Not Flush Wipes

Loudoun Water asks that you share the following information with
your residents via newsletters, email blasts or social media accounts your
community may have to help prevent blocked pipes.

This information is also posted on Loudoun Water Facebook and Twitter pages
if you would like share it directly to your pages.

Wet Wipes

Also known as 'flushable' wipes, wet wipes cause
millions of dollars in damage to infrastructure in the United States each
year. These wipes can mix with fats, oils and grease in plumbing and create
large sewer blocks.

Wipes are often marketed as a good alternative to toilet paper
but, in fact, wet wipes or “flushable” wipes are wreaking havoc on sewer
systems. It's a common misconception that wipes break down like traditional
toilet paper. They do not! Since the wipes do not break down, crews may be
required to unclog pipes and pumps as well as replace and upgrade machinery.

Wipes are found in many varieties such as baby wipes, personal
care wipes, cleaning and dusting wipes, all-purpose wipes and even make-up
remover wipes. All of these products should be placed in the trash when you
are done using them instead of flushing them down the toilet.

Several water utilities in the region collaborated on a fun
public information campaign to teach people what NOT to put down the drain:


Help protect your household pipes and ours by keeping wipes out
of the toilet. For more information on how to take care of your pipes, visit
Loudoun Water’s website:


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